Saturday, July 9, 2011

Macy's A Go Go With Ming Tsai

We were invited by Macy's Culinary Council to be a special guest today at Macy's Chefs A-Go-Go. This food truck is traveling the country and making stops where Council Chefs serve up some fantastic dishes to the public free of charge. Today we lucked out with Chef Ming Tsai.

Chef Ming Tsai at work. Although the lunch served was entirely free, donations, of any amount, were welcome to support Feeding America, fighting hunger here.

The Macy's Chefs A-Go-Go Boston Team. What a fun group!

As soon as the word got out that Chef Ming Tsai was serving up lunch the line formed. Once we were finished the line was around the block.

On the menu was stuffed bao of hoisin-marinated hanger steak with cucumber kimchee and sanbal aioli. Those are also Ming's famous chips.

Marissa Nicolaescu, TBF and Britton Edwards. How photogenic!

Chef Ming Tsai and TBF.

Chef Ming was happy to pose for photo ops with his fans who stopped by.

The very popular Emeril Legasse's "Bambama Foster Pops", a frozen bananas foster drenched in chocolate, were also distributed to the crowd.

If you missed out and couldn't make it today to the Prudential Center Plaza, don't fret. Tomorrow Chef Todd English will be there serving up a dish of his own from 12:00 noon until 4:00PM. We suggest you arrive early and tell them TBF sent you!

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