Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Food Friend Factor

    The TBF Travel Map from TripAdvisor.

    Are you a social-lite? Enjoying the statusphere? Where are you getting your food, travel and event ideas from? Chances are that you are increasingly experiencing the "F Factor" or that which is affected by friends, fans and followers. The growing influence of social media is expounding and reinforcing how friends improve and validate our buying decisions. We have always consumed with a strong influence from those whom we respect, admire, love and trust. New innovations have expanded that reach. Restaurant recommendations can now come from not just our intimate friends but also people we may not know personally but whose opinions we trust, those we see more like us than that pretentious magazine restaurant critic. We may want to take travel tips from people who have already been to the same, exact places we have always wanted to go to and have similar interests and reasons for travel that we have. It's a massively changing landscape with all sorts of marketing implications but clearly developing patterns away from traditional advertising and more toward social media evangelists and opinion leaders, the people who innately seek out the new, innovative and best quality. even has a recent feature on a new innovation called The Tweet Mirror which invites friends to view your dressing room mirror and help decide your next fashion statement, or avoid a disaster. Other, similar sites extend the invite to larger, non-biased communities where an honest opinion could be followed by more lucrative advice on what may be more flattering.

    Read more about the F Factor here at Trendwatching.

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