Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chihuly Over Boston 2011

You may have seen these signs all over town announcing the opening tomorrow, Sunday, April 10, of what is destined to be the most talked-about art exhibit this summer and, perhaps, the most visited exhibit in Boston in many, many years due to it's wide appeal.

CHIHULY Through The Looking Glass is a celebration of the world's most famous glass artist and offers something for people of all ages. It IS impressive. As a fan of Chihuly for many years I was thrilled to be invited to a very intimate reception hosted by the Melanoma Foundation of New England this week and an introduction to the artist himself, a night I'll never forget.

This incredible, soaring Chihuly sculpture entitled "Lime Green Icicle Tower" dominated the room at a recent MFA event we attended.

This photo at the same event (you can barely see us sitting at a table on the far right) gives one a much better perspective of the true scope of Chihuly's work. "It's all about the brilliant colors and the massive dimensions," said Curator Gerald Ward.

Chihuly is famous for these Persians which anyone who has been to the Bellagio in Las Vegas will recognize. That is only the beginning of his work, though.

There are lots of chandeliers in the exhibit. This is actually one of the smaller ones.

Guests included Gerald W. R. Ward, Senior Curator at the MFA, who curated the Chihuly exhibit.

Guests were provided with copies of the hardcover catalogue of the MFA Exhibit, CHIHULY Through The Looking Glass and the chance to have it inscribed by Chihuly himself.

We not only had the opportunity to see presentations and learn more about the artist and his work but also to actually spend a few moments talking with Chihuly. Christian chatted with the artist as Museum Curator Gerald Ward looked on.

Showing off our freshly-autographed books.

With Deb Gerard, President of the Melanoma Foundation of New England.

Did you know that melanoma affects more people ages 18-39 than any other? And it's preventable. Deb is a true evangelist, warning young people to use sunscreen and guard their skin. In particular, they spearhead an effort that warns young women to stay away from tanning beds, which only accelerate the possibility of melanoma. With prevention and early detection, most cases of melanoma can be cured. Please visit Melanoma Foundation for more information and always limit your sun exposure.

With Lindsay Rotondi of Regan Communications. Yes, the same Lindsay in STUFF Magazine's Boston's Sexiest issue. Thanks to Regan Communications for their flawless organization and exclusive invitation to this very special evening.

The exhibit runs through early August at the MFA and we will certainly be there, probably more than once. Highly recommended, needless to say.

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