Sunday, May 26, 2019

Memorial Day 2019

It is an impressive thing to see, the Field Of Flags that is set up on Boston Common for Memorial Day.  Each of the 37.219 flags represents a Massachusetts citizen who gave their life to defend us, all of us.  There were thousands of people viewing this, most standing in silence just taking it in.  What I was particularly struck by was the large amount of international visitors and tourists who were in awe of this tribute we give each year.  

My father was a veteran having joined the Navy towards the tail end of WWII.  He was not of legal age so his father had to go with him to sign the enlistment papers.  From High School to Indonesia he went.  He did not give his life but he did give up a full four year scholarship to New York University to be a teenage sailor.  I never heard him complain or utter a regret about that once.  I wonder how many young men would make that sacrifice today.

I also never thanked my father for his service.  I never even thought to.  I just took it for granted like so many other people.  Yet, he was one of the thousands of young people who willingly left home to go to the other side of the world and fight, no matter the personal cost, so that another country would not overtake ours and diminish the unprecedented level of freedom, justice and economic opportunity that we enjoy.  With the dismal, divisive state of politics in our country today I am quite thankful to all the veterans and will forever honor the memory of lives lost.  It is so important that we never forget.

As we strolled through the beautiful Public Garden on a gorgeous day we talked about how lucky we are.  Boston.  Is there anyplace better?  And as I celebrate twelve years of being even more lucky to be a food and culture writer in Boston and New England with all the restaurants, events, premieres, shows, festivals and parties I visit and attend I honestly feel as though I am living my bucket list each and every day.

Happy Memorial Day to all and may we never forget, even in these difficult times, that others fought to defend us and gave their very lives so that we could enjoy a better one.

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