Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Science And Cooking At Harvard

Chef Ferran Adria of El Bulli in Spain, the man considered to be the master of molecular gastronomy.

Have you ever thought about what it's like to go to Harvard? Well now you can find out. Join other foodies in the Boston area as Harvard throws open it's doors for public lectures by world-famous Chefs in a series entitled: Science And Cooking. I've been attending these lectures which take place every Monday evening at 7:00 PM in their Science Center, just off Harvard Yard. They are as absolutely fascinating as they are fun. I've also enjoyed meeting other attendees at this lecture series because basically they all have a deep interest in food of all kinds so it's very easy to meet and talk with people from all backgrounds and students of all nationalities. The lectures are part of a class being taught which focuses on the chemistry and physics of cooking but the public presentations are much less technical.

These are not your typical lectures where maybe forty or fifty people show up. Expect many hundreds so get there early. For a recent lecture by Bill Yosses, White House Pastry Chef, I thought I was getting there early at about 6:15 PM but the line was already two hundred people or so deep! (By the way, he did let us know that one of the President's favorite sweet treats is chocolate-covered caramel with salt).

Don't worry if you can't get a seat right up front. All of the close-up cooking techniques are displayed on a huge screen for everyone to see. It's really a fun and informative night out with cutting-edge technique demonstrations and, hey, you certainly can't beat the price! See you there.
For a full listing of lecturers and dates click here: Science And Cooking At Harvard.


  1. I've heard such great things about these lectures from Lingbo and I hope to check one out myself!

  2. I haven't seen Lingbo there but they are really interesteing. We should all meet up for one. Maybe the Jose Andras lecture.
