Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee

Being the coffee lover they know I am Starbucks recently invited us for a preview taste of the limited edition Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. True coffee aficionados wait for such events as this and Kate Johnson, Manager of the 350 Newbury Street location, informed us that customers have been inquiring about it for weeks.

The rare coffee variety will only be available in six markets nationwide (of which Boston is one, of course) and even there only in locations with the patented Clover Brewing technology, which she was happy to demonstrate. Did you know that Boston now rivals Seattle as one of the country's top coffee spots?

The Clover Brewing system combines the deep, full flavor of the coffee press with the clarity and technology of a vacuum press.

As many of you may know most of the flavor of the coffee bean comes from the oils in the bean. Using a paper filter in the brewing process actually filters out some of that oil and, therefore, the flavor. The Clover uses no filter and produces an amazing cup of pure coffee.

The ideal growing conditions, terrain and 5,000 feet altitude result in a balanced, ultra smooth flavor for s trong coffee. There is a very slight but perceptible citrus note and a more discerbible chocolate finish that intensifies as the coffee cools. The intense aroma does not, however, translate to an overpowering or acidic taste.

A bit on the pricey side, keep in mind the coffee is, indeed, rare (it's only been offered twice before) and available beginning today through August 30, 2010, or while supplies last. $5.00 for a Grande (16 oz.). $40.00 for a half pound of whole beans. If you are a coffee gourmet, however, this one is hard to beat.

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