Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dinner With A View

Looks like a nice group of friends enjoying a leisurely repast with a great view, doesn't it?

Some people like to have a nice view as they dine. A few weeks back we did a post on some dining venues in different parts of the world with somewhat, well, unusual settings. If you're at all like the The Boston Foodie you might find that usually restaurants with a spectacular view don't always conjure up the best fare. Then again, when the view is like this one, I don't think you'll be sending anything back to the kitchen.

Lovely weather we're having.

Yes, that's right. It seems that a new venture called "Dinner In The Sky" has decided that there is a market for people who'd like to be hoisted 165 feet up into the sky to enjoy their fine dining.

At least you won't have to climb the stairs.

The high-flying dining venue was introduced in Europe last year and consists of a platform suspended from a crane. Guests are harnessed into 22 seats, with space in the center for a chef and two helpers. With local officials' blessings, the platform can be transported to just about anywhere the crane can maneuver. One recent spot: in front of the Amiens Cathedral in France, with dinner prepared by a three-star Michelin chef.

Oh and did you want live entertainment with that dinner?

Of course, for all this the cost is a mere $11,444.00. Not including dinner I might add. If you'd really want to do it you can contact the company at this link:

And, yes they do provide night dining, for those more formal occasions of course.

An evening al fresco dinner. And we DO mean al fresco!!!

Thanks to Mary Jo Brown for alerting The Boston Foodie to this USA Today story.

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