Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Two More Casualties?

A call to the management of Herrell's Ice Cream, the longtime Harvard Square outpost for true homemade ice cream aficionados, confirmed it: they are not closed. Rumors did abound about a month ago on many local blogs that said they were closing but none really said where they got their information. Oftentimes restaurants that have had long, successful runs will announce their closing date so that all their local patrons from over the years can visit one last time. You may want to do that this week, however, as they will be shutting down for renovations and expansion. Management confirmed that they will be expanding into the space next door (where the sneaker store was) and will also be serving lunch and dinner with a liquor license. Apparently, it was no longer feasible to sell just ice cream out of this expensive retail space. They will keep the ice cream parlor open through next weekend for the Head of the Charles Regatta, perhaps longer, depending on traffic. So there you have it.

GOURMET Magazine, on the other hand, has been pulled off it's life support and died last week after sixty eight years of glorious living. Conde Nast Publications, once the Rock of Gibraltar of the periodical world, is apparently crumbling. They are reporting "drastic" losses in ad revenue and are being forced to slice, dice and chop a number of their most luxe publications. Rest in peace GOURMET.

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